Led by cultural anthropologist Mike Youngblood, The Youngblood Group brings together a network of passionate consultants working at the nexus of social science and social impact design.
We work with businesses, foundations, and the public sector to bring about local and global change for good. We do this by combining deep insight into human experiences with human centered design methods to reimagine products, services, and systems that affect our lives and our planet. Our engagements include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and The Future Company.
At The Youngblood Group we believe that broad stakeholder collaboration and a deep understanding of the ways people live in, interpret, and create their world are critical foundations for the design of solutions that truly matter.
Check out this podcast! Mike speaks with host Bella Rushi about innovation leadership, anthropological thinking, and habits of the mind that can block our imagination.
© The Youngblood Group 2019
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